Turkish Delight
The David Crowder Band's catchy single is quite possibly the best song in this entire album (inspired by The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe). "Turkish Delight" is more than just an upbeat tribute to Narnia; the lyrics will make you think seriously about your priorities.
O Children Come
This time, the JJ Weeks Band is responsible for an incredible satisfying musical experience. Although this is technically a "Christmas" song, the simply lyrics and timeless tune are appropriate all year long.
The Tale of Mr. Morton
If you remember watching Schoolhouse Rock, then you definitely remember "The Tale of Mr. Morton." What you may not know is that a remix album was released, featuring many of the popular songs from the animated series. This is the only song on the album that actually puts the lyrics to a completely different tune. The result? A fascinating rap.
Baba Yetu
Sometimes, you just need a little encouragement. Not only is this song positive, but it is also inexplicably empowering. Once you listen to this song once, I'm sure that you will agree!
Bugle Boy
Sometimes, you just need a little encouragement. Not only is this song positive, but it is also inexplicably empowering. Once you listen to this song once, I'm sure that you will agree!